Friday, February 8, 2013

What To Do At 3:30am

Maybe I'm the only one in the world who wakes up at 3:30am but I don't think so.  My body is tired but my mind is stirred--perhaps it is the interaction I had last night with some key pastors and leaders.  I go to bed physically exhausted and yet five hours later am wide awake.  So how to use this time wisely is the question?

For me I have one rule--make it God time!  Here's the way I figure it, if this is God waking me up then He has something to say and I need to listen.  So I start with Bible reading, writing, reflection, prayer--and perhaps a blog.

If it si the devil trying to steal my health through sleep deprivation than he will be really ticked off that I have just had this incredible time with God.  So next time he will back off the early morning interruptions when He realizes how I allow God to turn it into a positive.

I have just had my mind refreshed with God's Word and challenged with a new devotional plan fromYouVersion.  My mind is now clear and ready for a nap before the day starts.  Big win for me and the kingdom!